Event: WSCSC Progressive Series Clinic #1
Clinician: Brandy Ferganchick and Dodger
Date: April 13, 2024

The planning for our Progressive Clinic series began on Ground Hog Day, in 2024.  WSCSC’s  Clinic Committee used information gathered from our clinic in August 2023 to improve and enhance the learning experience for all.  Brandy is the Clinic Committee Chair and the Instructor for all the Clinics.  Brandy’s unique ability to break down a movement, such as a  “Turn on The Hindquarter” into easy to follow  steps is amazing.   Dodger, Brandy’s 22 year old Norwegian Fjord is her demo horse. The club is so fortunate to have Brandy and Dodger providing us additional “Tools” for our  “Horsemanship Tool Box.”

Sixteen ladies, plus one brave gentleman, aged 10-75, showed up for our first clinic on Saturday, April 13th.  We had 20 folks sign up but sadly, there were several last minute cancellations.  Participants were pre-registered and most all had paid and signed waivers, making CJ’s job easier during sign-in.  Everyone showed up on time and the clinic began at 10am, as advertised.

The Delta County Arena in Hotchkiss was the venue for this session and it was divided into four quadrants using the club’s newly purchased traffic cones.  Other Clinic Committee members, trained in Brandy’s method, were assigned as helpers in each quadrant.  This allowed individual attention for participants and was well received.

The morning session was in-hand with saddled horses.  This helped all of the horses and the riders relax and work though the exercises.  A Sound System was available when Brandy’s strong voice couldn’t over power the wind and the lack of acoustics in the arena.  The Sound System did have an occasional popping sound and a few horses were sure was a “Gun Shot!”

Lunch was a big circle of chairs, homemade cookies, brownies and Animal Cookies??? Most remembered to bring lawn chairs; Doris just pulled up the dirt.

After lunch everyone mounted and entered the arena with a few horses being reassigned to a different quadrant because of the alleged “Gun Shots” or the need to be with a stable mate.  The exact same maneuvers,  learned in the morning session, were now attempted with participants mounted.

The improvements made by all participants was remarkable.  Feedback was received with nearly everyone agreeing that Brandy and Dodger were fabulous at giving directions and demonstrations.  Kudos were also received by the members helping, Gwen, Betty, Beth, Estella, Maggie and Juleen.

All participants took enough information from this session that they should be able to go home and practice several days week until Clinic #2 in May.  Written steps were provided to participants later in the week as a guide to keep everyone on the “Same Track.”