Ride: Fall Color and Birthday Ride
Trail Boss: Brandy & Juleen
Date: September 21, 2024

The Color Ride on the Grand Mesa on September 21, 2024 is always one of the favorite club rides of the year.  The fall colors were magnificent and the weather was perfect up and until the steaks & hotdogs came off the grill.

We selected the trailhead off of Flowing Park Road, which the club affectionally calls “The Perfect Camp Site”. The weather was a beautiful, a bright sunny morning but clouds and rain were predicted for the afternoon. “Shake a Leg” Ladies!”

Brandy led the 8 Blue riders out at 10am along the Mesa Top Trail to the south.  This is a glorious ride with amazing views of the Surface Creek Valley as you ride along the ridge. They picked up the Crane Lake Trail at the Flowing Park Reservoir.  Brandy altered the trail just a bit to avoid a difficult water crossing as well as a gate that is difficult for large horses to fit through.

The Green ride headed out at 10:30am, south on Flowing Park Road, cut into the trees and picked up an old logging road.  10 riders followed Juleen as they eventually wound around to Flowing Park Reservoir.  This trail was also altered when 2 dead cows were found during the Pre-Ride earlier in the week.  After a few more twists and turns though the beautiful fall colors, with laughter and chatter, riders worked their way to the Crane Lake Trail.

Both groups stopped at the Dance Hall Cabin to check things out and then back for the Steak Fry and Pot Luck.  The clouds overtook the sun fairly quickly just as both groups arrived back in camp approximately 5 minutes apart.  The Blue ride was a 7ish mile loop.  The Green Ride was just a tick under 6 miles.

David (husband of new member, Jen) was recruited to help set up the tables.  Bob, of the Bob and Barb duo helped get the BBQ grills going.   The food came out so fast we didn’t get the table cloths on the tables, OH THE SHAME!!!  A few rain drops/snow flakes never deter the club members and their guests when food is involved.

Happy Birthday was sang to Betty, while she did a jig and then again for Lorie, who also danced around.  The food was delicious and even the tube steaks were appreciated by those who failed to bring their own steaks to fry.  We were fairly certain the hunters in the area were none too pleased with all the laughter and singing.  1st time ride member Jen and 6 guests were all pleased with the great food and the camaraderie of the club.