Trail: Rusty Nail, BLM lands West of Olathe
Date: Saturday, 4/16/2022
Trail Boss: Juleen Feazell
Ride Level = Green
On our first birthday ride, 9 ladies braved the cloudy day. We rode for 2 miles and tied the horses in dry creek bed and hiked a short distance to the Squint Moore Archeology Site. Sky had been the steward for this site and she took time to educate us regarding the history of this site. It was wonderful to see how interested all the ladies were in understanding the meaning of the rock art.
CJ, Traci, Julie, Sky and Maggie had never experienced a WSCSC Birthday Pot Luck!!! They were astounded as table clothes, birthday cake and an amazing Pot Luck Birthday party complete with wine emerged from the saddle bags. Lunch was amazing and the birthday celebration was a great pot luck feast!
It was nice enough when we first got to the Trail Head and we had to take our jackets off. By the time we headed out on the return ride, most had their jackets back on. It was gusty but not horrible and we were having such a good time and the horses didn’t seem to mind nor most of the gals.
The best part is a young women, new to the area, followed the convoy of Horse Trailers into the Trail Head. Traci joined the club on the spot and she said she can’t wait to start riding with us.