Event: Obstacle Clinic #3
Clinician: Brandy Ferganchick
Date: June 15

Clinic #3 was held at Estella’s Obstacle Playground in Eckert.  The clinic was once again full with twenty participants and seven coaches.  Two riders had not participated in the earlier clinics but they blended right in.  The day began in the shade of Estella’s trees with Brandy dividing the participants into four groups, assigning each group a coach (or in some cases two coaches.)  Brandy started by demonstrating and explaining how to safely mount your horse.

The morning was spent improving in-hand techniques with four different obstacles.  Lunch was in Estella’s barn complete with very friendly horses and mules helping us eat.  After lunch we went back outside, this time mounted and still in the same four groups working with assigned coaches.  The improvement in the riding skills of the horses and riders was incredible.

At the conclusion, the coaches gathered around with an adult beverage and discussed who had the best group.  Each coach was sure they had the BEST MOST IMPROVED GROUP!  Great Day!