Ride: Arena Lake Birthday Ride
Trail Boss: Juleen Feazell
Date: June 8, 2024
The June Birthday Ride was full of surprises. Friday morning we had 27 folks signed up to ride with us. GULP! Then members started dropping like flies. Saturday, 11 members and 5 guests ( including 2 young men) rode to Arena Lake.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous and no BUGS yet. The laughter and chatter as guests mixed with members was delightful. Cynthia wanted to “Raise the Bar” for the Happy Birthday song at our PotLuck, so she passed out Kazoos. (Try blowing/sucking on a Kazoo for that song at 9,000 feet elevation).
The highlight of the day was the “Cupcakes in O’Jar” brought by Katie (June Birthday girl and guest). She carried the pint jars in her saddle bags, each jar in a sock. Ingenious and Delicious. Love the photos of the members modeling their new club shirt!