Ride: Fall Color Ride on Grand Mesa
Trail Boss: Juleen Feazell & Brandy Ferganchick
Date: September 23, 2023

Our club’s “Color Ride” was well attended.  CJ organized the club ride for 17 members and 3 guests, which included 2 brave men.  Brandy led the Blue ride on a 9 mile loop with 8 riders.  Juleen led the Green ride on a 7 mile lollipop loop with the remaining group.  Traci brought donuts and passed them out, before we headed out!  Thanks Traci, most of us were starving.

Both rides started out from the Perfect Camp Spot off of Flowing Park Road and headed towards the Dance Hall Cabin.  The wind was a bit breezy but the colors were spectacular.  Those who never ridden these trails had the opportunity to see inside The Dance Hall Cabin, were they were treated to Paul playing a few licks on the old piano. We rode beyond Crane Lake, surrounded by colorful aspen and onto the Crane Lake Trail.  The Blue riders stayed on the Crane Lake Trail, around the west end of Flowing Park Reservoir and over to Mesa Top Trail.  The Green ride diverted before reaching the reservoir and headed back through the trees on maybe, some sort of a cow trail, down to the North Side of Flowing Park Reservoir.  They looped behind Crane Lake coming out on the East Side of the Dance Hall Cabin.  Laughter and chatter was echoing through the tress, surely the hunters appreciated us.

The Blue ride beat the Green ride back to the Perfect Camp Spot where the trailers were parked.  We circled the wagons (horse trailers) to tamp down the breeze. Decided it was to windy for an open fire pit grilling “the cowboy way”.  Never fear, CJ had a back up plan, 2 smallish BBQ grills were pulled from a truck, out came the tables and of course the “table cloths”.  Next all the delicious “Pot Luck” dishes and a few adult beverages appeared.  Happy Birthday was sung to Betty, new member Lori and a couple of guest. Everyone seemed to be having a delightful time.

An amazing group of horse women, a few good men, and wonderful equines.  Thank you everyone who braved the wind and made the day such a fun adventure.