Eight club members drove up the Smith Fork passing the Needle Rock East of Crawford on Saturday for a 9 mile ride that began up Cow Creek. The trail had lots of variety to it as it looped back down the Virginia Creek Road. At times the trail had water crossings, large downed logs, and thick vegetation but other times we were on a small road that allowed for chatting and great mountain vistas. There was a profusion of wildflowers due to the wet spring for our delight.
We have the Crawford members to thank for this ride. The trail required about three trips up it to clear all the branches. Traci Shalow and Cynthia Hines did most of the trail work. Traci was our Trail Leader. She has some other loops in mind in that area that she is working on clearing also. Sky Baldwin stepped in as Trail Boss. Everyone agreed it was a great ride, and the riders looking out for the safety of each other made it a safe ride.