Ride: Halloween Ride at Escalante Canyon
Trail Boss: Brandy Ferganchick
Date: Sometime Around October 31
The Halloween Birthday and Costume Contest was postponed one week because of weather. Then it became the Halloween, October and November Birthday ride rolled into one! Nine of the 15 riders came in costume. We switched Trail Bosses from Betty to Brandy because of the delayed ride.
When we rode out of the trailhead on Hwy 50 and Escalante Canyon Road, precisely at 11am, there was a chilly breeze but it warmed up beautifully. The day was very pleasant for November 4th.
We had three guests riding with us. Allie from South Africa joined us again this year, riding Kookie, dressed as the Lion King. Allie got the award for traveling the furthest to ride with us. Anna rode her cute pony, both dressed as a jousting knight duo. Anna made the outfit, including the saddle pad. Paul showed up as Paul riding his (her?) mule.
New member, Pauline from Bridgeport, rode on the back on her red roan named Penny. Pauline was a bit surprised at the lunch spread at the overlook, as most folks are the first time they ride with us.
Brandy came as a bottle of Hot Sauce and Dodger was a “chip off the old block.” Gwen was cleverly dressed as the Fantasy Football Fairy and Kate was a unicorn. Traci was Winnie the Pooh and Nancy was a gas cone, complete with gas noises. Marjanna was a devil, Michele and Beth were dressed as the 16th century French Nobleman, the Three Musketeers. “Winner, winner, chicken dinner” was Beth French. Her hat was great but her cape falling over her horse’s rump the entire ride was way cool.
Laughter and chatter was bouncing off the canyon walls. All of the horses were well mannered. Sadly, this was the last club ride of 2023 but we ended on a HIGH NOTE. Great way to wrap up the 2023 ride season.